“The People’s Church is a church without an address because the church is not a location. It’s a house without walls because walls are meant to keep people out. It’s a place without pews because pews are meant to keep us comfortable and complacent. It’s a church that has no pulpit because our actions are the sermon. The People’s Church is YOUR church.” – Pastor Mike
- In-Home Anointing and Prayer
- Nursing Home and Hospital Visits
- Weddings and Funerals
- Jail Visitation
- Home Dedications
- End-of-Life Chaplain Visits with Guitar and Hymns

December 20-25, Michele Reckel will be sleeping outside The People’s Church to raise both awareness and funds for the homeless community. Goal is $10K. Stop by anytime during the day or night to give your donations of money, sleeping bags, socks, tarps, emergency, dog collars, leashes, cat coats, blankets, underwear and tents to this worthy cause. You may also donate on this website. The challenge ends with Christmas morning brunch December 25th from 10am-11am.
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, volunteers from the People’s Church, Fresh Start Baptist Church, and Central Church fed over 150 Thanksgiving meals to our homeless family in Colorado Springs. At the end of afternoon we were tired and cold, but our hearts were full and overflowing with joy and gratitude that we were able to bless so many people. We also handed out cold weather supplies. communities. Pastor Mike exclaimed “I had the best Thanksgiving of my life!”

Celebrate the move of the Holy Spirit, answered prayers and changed lives. Everyone is invited!